Wednesday 25 September 2013

A wee bike ride (Portsmouth to Bognor Regis)

Since my laptop had refused to connect to the ferry Wifi and my client hadn't received his translation yet, I thought I'd find a Wifi hotspot soon, where I could either get connected or find out that I would have to buy a new computer here (Do they have QUERTY keyboards in the UK?).

Another one in the line of "see things you'd thought you'd never ever see".  The reason I landed in Portsmouth was that it looked like the most direct way to get from Saint Malo to London.  I already knew from Denise that Portsmouth is also the home city of Kathrin's beau Paul, but that was about all the knowledge I had about this city.  After 2 minutes of perusing Wikipedia on the subject, I also had learned that Portsmouth is situated on an island (NO, not talking about Britain ;-) and that it was home to a rather well known ship.  HMS Victory, flag ship of Lord Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar.  Wow!  First Templar Knights and now this. Not quite the Spanish Armada, but I am cycling through history !

Memorial to the one-handed sailor

Horatio Nelson was his name
Just where is his friggin ship?

Vagina Art?

Hovering away 

and is it ever 

No Victory

No guns, but also impressive

time to reflect

Why is that guy on the bike staring at us?  Are we wearing pink?

what to say?


> $1 / slice of ham !  While a whole smoked fish costs less !

Strange country

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