Tuesday 2 July 2013

First impressions of Saint Quay Portrieux (better write that name down)

I at least am having a very hard time remembering it.  Even the Breton names like Plouescat & Ploubazlanec came easier to the tongue!

There is something funny about the weather in this country. I've cycled for 2 or 3 hours today and it was cloudy, even dripping drops at some points.  I look in the mirror and I look like I've just come from the beach in Cuba:

Here are some pictures (no laughing allowed!) as evidence ;-)

and that was before 'un quart de rose'  !

I was starving, and I had a craving for Crepes.  Guess my body needs protein to build those muscles ;-)
I find my Creperie, sit down, get the wine and the food, take the below picture of food, ocean, and sky, and start thinking:  Hotels rooms here are cheaper than Motel rooms in Vancouver; I don't have the usual extra "side expenses"; the food is much better; I'm loosing weight and getting a tan.  ...

The rest of the town ain't bad either. Here are some pics:

The king's chamber is 111 on the left ;-)


  1. I have some bad news for you: crepes are not protein :)

    1. Crepes are not made with eggs?

    2. The German word for Protein is Eiweiss. The literal translation of Eiweiss is Egg White.
      Crepes seem to include eggs as ingedients. Ergo: Crepes are protein food

      Quod erat demonstrandum

  2. You fit through that door?

    1. It's called perspective shortening or something. They are at an angle (in a floor plan the doors would be an upside-down V).
      Even you would fit ;-)
