Saturday 29 June 2013

Early Morning St-Pol-de-Leon (ou les mouettes sont folles!)

Being up at 5 am I go for a walk around town at 6 am. The street lights shine dimly through the early morning fog and I wouldn't be surprised to see Jack the Ripper or the Spanish or French Inquisition to come around the next corner, but there is absolutely NO-ONE on the streets at this hour.

Some more pictures of the 'chapel'.

The only one awake at this hour are les mouettes (the seagulls). And they make sounds unlike any I ever heard from any seagull.  After watching and listening to the first one for a while, I get it:  They are trying to scare and lure me away from their nests (what are they doing all day when there is lots of people?).  Then I see this one. It is exhibiting the same behaviour and I get it when it is making threatening noises.  I take the picture, turn around and start walking. Then I hear a swooshing sound close by and actually feel a strong wind from its wings in my hair.  The bloody thing did a fly-by-scaring to underline its earlier threats!

At 7:35 am I go out for another smoke and want to walk a bit before breakfast opens at 8 am. I turn into the street I walk earlier, get to the same house, hear the sound, and before I can properly look up, I have THE SAME friggin bird swooping down on me AGAIN, but this time from the front, where I can see it coming.
I duck, turn around, and go back to the hotel. This is TOO MUCH!

BTW: The original post title was "Les mouette sont foux", which apparently is Pidgin French (Pigeon?, NO, seagull!), as I was informed by an anonymous French-speaking poster with the initial C.  So the title was corrected. This tidbit just so the comments make sense ;-)


  1. Corrections: Les mouettes sont folles.

    1. I stand corrected!

      How about: Je suis un peu fou ?
