Friday 26 April 2013

How I knew that I found China (Musical Memories of Shenzhen or What will make me COME BACK!)

Today is Friday; I am leaving Sunday afternoon. I think the pace of the last 2 weeks finally took its toll today. Or maybe it was the air-conditioning in the taxi back from Stanley yesterday. My nose stuffed up and I stayed in bed almost all day (Hey, maybe this is preparing me for the Honk Kong nightlife?).  In any event, it gave me time to reflect, check through my picture files and wonder whether this amazing trip soon will only be a distant memory like others in the last 18 months, or whether the flood of pictures () and the existence of this blog will keep it in my conscious thinking, and whether that would even be a good thing ;-)

Today I noticed that any movie files added to these posts are processed by to AMAZINGLY efficiently find even the smallest voice or pleasant sound in an ocean of HISSY WHITE WIND NOISE.  When I posted my clips of my Malecon Taxi Ride to Youtube this was not done, so one has to watch those Youtube Posts with the sound turned off.  Reloading them to today, I was AMAZED at what the filtering did (too bad they can't fix the cinematography yet ;-).

 If it worked for those clips, it should also work for these files here:

After listening to these clips again, I AM SOOO TEMPTED to go back to Shenzhen tomorrow!  These people brought their friends, their instruments, their amplifiers to this park just to have fun!  This is not for tourists, not for money, just for pure and simple joi de vivre!  And it is contagious.

This one below is FUBAR (Fooked Up Beyond Any Recognition). It does not work but I don't know how to get rid of it ;-(

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